Gentiana and Calca both agreed to follow their Creator's plan.
Calca bids farewell to Vona and her companions before disappearing in a flash of green light that was absorbed into Sarah.
Gentiana reluctantly handed Vona a card and asked her to watch over Earth. She nods at Aurelia in approval before she, too, is absorbed into Sarah as a flash of blue light.
"I wish we could have been friends." Aurelia left her final words to Vona before being overcome with Sarah's golden light.
With the memories of the Thirteen united, Sarah resets Earth and Luna once again. Only this time, Calca and Gentiana did not return.

To the people on Earth and Luna, the Golden Spire simply vanished, leaving behind only a giant crater where it once stood. With Lunatic Pandora and the Golden Spire permanently gone, the flow of magic returns to normal. Suddenly, the Replicants find themselves in a new world without leadership, and their new found magic running wild.
Vona and her companions were transported by the reset to a world outside of Earth. With the access card in hand, Vona returned to Earth as Gentiana requested to restore order. For the next decaded, Vona and her companions guided the people of Earth and Luna into a new era.
With the sterile Replicants unable to replenish their number, they opened up their world to the refugees wandering the dead worlds.

Sarah returned home with the Crystal Tower to the very moment Kassandra left.
As Ser Ryland makes a final stand with the remaining defenders against the Diamond Weapons, the Crystal Tower flashed a bright light and Omega Weapon burst forth.
Thousands of years in the making, the Omega Weapon turned the tide of battle in an instant. When the dust settled and all the sieging Weapons were vanquished, she continued her advance toward the Altima Weapon, scouring every Weapon on her warpath.
In a sky shattering battle, the Omega Weapon finally did what Kassandra and the Warriors of Light could not, destroying the Altima Weapon and save their home.
With her tasks complete, the Omega Weapon returned slumber in a crystalline cocoon where the Crystal Tower once stood.

On a moonlit evening many years later, the Aetheryte at Somnia Square began to chime and a woman materialized before vanishing into the crowd. The only record of her existence was a charge on a BASTION credit account for a designer Vona Sion two-piece.
On a world far away, a certain adventurer would simply be known as the woman who wears "Vona Sion" and eventually just Vona Sion.
A few hundred years later, on a distant world ...

A Weapon was rampaging through a city when streaks of lightning flashed nearby. A person in uniform appeared where each lightning struck with heavy weapons in hands. Almost as quickly as they appeared, they fell the Weapon and vanished. The grateful people are left with the Aetheryte formed from the Weapon's core, and a legend of monster hunters that rode the lightning.

Earth has been largely been rebuilt by a new generation of Replicant purposely designed to combat Weapons. These immortal hunters travel across worlds, intercepting Weapons that escaped the first waves of eradication.

Today marks the day of departure. BASTION forces gathered at the Crystal Tower in full strength. In the days of old, friends would probably have came to say their goodbyes. Perhaps the society that remain would return to the way it once was after the Crystal Tower departs. She can only hope.
Aurelia laments the old world that once was. As Sarah correctly predicted, the Replicants grew at an exponential pace without the Crystal Tower's purposeful draining of their power.
Three hundred years ago, when Sarah asked Aurelia to become the vessel for Omega Weapon, she chose to remain against all her instinct. Because of that choice, the world that once was never returned.
In the centuries after, she traveled far and wide in her hunts, befriending many Warriors of Light who rose to fight the invading Weapons. However, none left a deeper impression on her than the first she met, Vona.
In the blink of an eye, the Crystal Tower and all the BASTION forces inside were no longer on Luna. Outside is the battlefield, one for which they spent millennia plannng for and centuries practicing for.

As Ser Ryland makes a final stand with the remaining defenders against the Diamond Weapons, the Crystal Tower flashed a bright light. From within thousands of strange vehicles flew out and collided into the Weapons.
To their surprise, legions of equally strange warriors struck down the Diamond Weapons one after another in quick succession. Leading them is someone who bear more than a passing resemblance to Kassandra.
Though they speak different languages, Ser Ryland understood who they were. In the coming decade, he got to know them well, as he traveled with them, scouring the lands of Weapons.

In a cataclysmic battle on a desolate world, the floundering Altima weapon detonated its core to destroy the attacking BASTION hunters. As the planet itself begins to ignite from the surge of Aether from the exploding Altima Weapon, Aurelia smiled.
At last, it is time for her to rest. She is tired, perhaps she will dream of the old times again, when things were simple. Perhaps she will dream of a better time, where circumstances are different. Would they still be friends? Would they have been better friends?

On the shores of a strange world, a woman woke up in a forest by the sea. She remembers nothing except her name, Vona Sion.
Vona, unwilling to let Calca sacrifice herself, volunteered to take the fight to Altima Weapon with Aurelia's help. Although Sarah initially dismissed the idea, on the merit that two people capable of breaking the Tower's limit should be able to crossover and establish a stable link to their destination, Sarah agreed to help and starts by resetting the world.

As Ser Ryland makes a final stand with the remaining defenders against the Diamond Weapons, two bright flashes destroyed the nearest Diamond Weapon.
Before him stood an unmistakable Light's Chosen, and someone who strangely resembles Kassandra. Behind him, the Crystal Tower flickers in and out of existence.
Over the next months, strange warriors from another world begin filtering through, bringing much needed supplies and reinforcements to the survivors.
Little by little, these reinforcements helped taking back Ser Ryland's home from the Weapons, and introducing strange new things and ideas to them.

In a cataclysmic battle on a desolate world, the floundering Altima weapon detonated its core to deny Aurelia and Vona a victory. As they are engulfed by the surge of Aether from the exploding Altima Weapon, Vona only heard Aurelia's voice. "Vona, Live."

She wakes up in a bed in an unfamiliar world. When she looked in the mirror, Vona saw Aurelia's face. It appears to her that she is in Aurelia's body. Confused, she is determined to find out what happened to her friend.